Thursday, March 18, 2010

Yet more good news from JB.

These six amazing releases drop from Winter 2010 into Spring 2011
Bordeaux 7's(3/1/11 for $150)
White Cement 3's(2/1/11 for $150)
Snakeskin 11 Low's(11/?/10 price and RD are n/a at this time.)
Cool Grey 11's(12/1/10 for $175)[Also True Red 13's drop that day for $150, AND IT'S ON A WEDNESDAY LIKE THE OLD JORDAN RELEASES.]

WDYWT(WhatDidYouWearToday) 3-16-10 and 3-18-10

On the 16th
Edit 3-16-10 Blog WDYWT
On the 18th
Blog WDYWT 3-18-10 edit
I wore Beef & Broccolies on St. Patrick's Day and I wore New Balance 498's earlier today, but I changed into the 1/2 Cent's and some Polo camo swim trunks after school to hang out in.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Beef and Broccoli Spiz'ike Boots?

Fall 2010 according to SneakGeekz.


Only Spiz'ike Boots other than the Grey, Dark Red, and Dark Blue pair that I would buy or wear. Imo.

The Spikesss(Spiz'ikes).

The Infrared Spiz'ikes, feature white patent leather on the side pannels with a strip on Infrared on the midsoles and an Infrared lacelock(would look nice in some Black/Varsity Red 6's)
Spiz'ikes based on the 6's(Only ones to my knowledge with the 6's lacelock)[All the others have the lace locks from the 5's.]

And the Grape Spiz'ikes, which have thankfully removed the perforated dots off of them. It is unknown if they kept the partial icy soles on the bottom as seen by the pic. This looks like a final product, so one can only hope. But it was a good look on removing the dots and keeping them more like the original samples.

Retro 2 returns(& 6's).

The White/Black/Red Bulls' Colorway 2's are returning on May 1st, I heard for $135? But I think it will be more like $150?
Really nice either way.

And here is the newest pic of the White/Varsity Red 6's that I have found.
These are set for June, but I heard they are releasing in Asia in April.

Eggplant Foamposite comparison pics.

I was just talking with some friends the other day about how the 2010 Eggplant Foams differ from the 2009 pair of Eggplant Foams. As an owner of the 2009 Eggplants I was quick to notice some differences on the new Foams.
2010's ^^


-The 2009's are glossy, or appear as shiner in person than the 2010's. The 2k10's had a dull cut on them and felt smoother to the touch unlike the '09 Eggplants, or my '07 Cactus's, or even my Coppers from 2010. One POSITEive(pun intended) change on the 2010's was the blueish tint on the icy soles that was on the Coppers as well. But the first change I saw was that the Purple used on the '10's was a darker Purple shade like on the Eggplant Foamposite Boots from the Winter of 2009.
*Pics courtesy of FLIGHTCLUB.